
European Mobility Week from 16th to 22nd September

"Vivons ensemble, bougeons ensemble!"

In the light of European Mobility Week, which takes place every year from 16 to 22 September, the City of Luxembourg, the Ministry of Mobility and Public Works, Luxtram, the CFL, Info-Handicap, in collaboration with other partners, are launching the awareness-raising campaign "Vivons ensemble, bougeons ensemble!" ("Live together, move together").
Since 2021, a themed media campaign, encourages the public to promote mutual respect, civility, and solidarity between all passengers on public transport. This year, the initiators emphasise interaction and exchange between all users of public transport. Four core messages draw our attention to compassionate gestures between all passengers and their respective needs that turn commuting into sociable moments of mutual support; because "living together" also means "moving together".
Every gesture of solidarity and the omnipresent feeling of solidarity is accepted by all passengers and can positively influence the experience of travelling by bus, tram, funicular or train.