Corporate social responsibility

Our approach

As the leading player in mobility in Luxembourg, the CFL Group is committed to more responsible, sustainable and inclusive mobility, and to having a positive impact on the planet and on people. This commitment applies to customers as well as to the more than 5,000 employees of the Group, the country's largest employer.

Find out more about the CFL and Human Rights

Find out more about our approach in terms of sustainable development.

Our actions

CFL offers solutions to its customers, both private individuals and professionals, to cover their journeys from the first to the last kilometre and to meet their complementary needs. This ambition is based on four strategic priorities (safety, quality, efficiency and innovation) and is supported collectively by the Group's employees (more than 5.000). They provide the common thread running through the strategy, symbolised by "WE, MIR".

Learn more about our CSR actions.

The CFL Group's environmental and social commitment is also reflected in the responsible choice of its purchases and services. CFL strives to reduce the actual and potential negative impact of its own activities on human rights and the environment, as well as those of its commercial partners. For this reason, the Group has published a Supplier Code of Conduct which sets out the principles and requirements, particularly in terms of respect for safety, workers' rights, human rights, the environment and ethics, which are essential to the Group in its cooperation with its suppliers. CFL has also reaffirmed its commitment to human rights by signing the National Business and Human Rights Pact in July 2022. In particular, it is committed to preventing and managing human rights risks in the context of its purchasing by drawing up a human rights risk map.

CFL aims to be a group with a human face. The company's strategy is customer-focused and gives a special place to its employees (the "WE"). The Group's objectives are achieved through dialogue, taking into account the well-being and developing the know-how of its staff. In line with its values (cooperation, openness, respect, excellence and exemplarity), the Group is committed to employment, employability and professional training, as well as diversity, inclusion and equal opportunities. The CFL Group attaches particular importance to diversity and equal career opportunities for all its employees. It is a signatory of the IMS (Inspiring More Sustainability) Luxembourg Diversity Charter, as well as the "Women in Rail" agreement (November 2021). In order to honour its commitments, CFL has published a Gender Equality Policy and developed a multi-year action plan covering several areas: specific areas: recruitment and career development, reconciling private and professional life, health and safety at work and the working environment, as well as the prevention of sexual harassment and sexism. The Group is also committed to the Positive Actions approach of the MEGA (Ministry of Gender Equality and Diversity).

As a responsible company, CFL integrates its corporate responsibility approach into its business strategy and activities. However, its positive impact also extends beyond customers and employees to society as a whole, the local community and voluntary and cultural organisations. As part of its "We Care" approach, the Group supports partner initiatives and associations: through collections and donations; by giving visibility to initiatives; by supporting cultural and/or artistic projects and projects aimed at the inclusion of people in difficulty. In this context, the Group promotes the social commitment of its staff by developing partnerships with supported associations and, more generally, by giving them the opportunity to do voluntary work.

By offering alternatives to individual motorised transport, the Group is helping to protect the environment. All the electricity purchased to power the trains and buildings is generated from renewable sources. The Group is also committed to reducing its environmental impact through the reduction of emissions calculated as part of its carbon footprint, through actions to protect biodiversity and through initiatives to reduce waste and promote the circular economy. It is also committed to raising awareness among its staff in order to encourage them to develop and implement concrete actions in their professional and personal lives. It offers its staff the opportunity to take part in the Climate Fresk and the Biodiversity Fresk. The Group is also playing its full part in the national energy-saving efforts called for by the government as part of the 'Zesumme spueren - Zesummenhalen' campaign (September 2022).

CFL wants to offer a high-quality service to its customers, who are at the heart of its strategy and concerns. This ambition requires a commitment to continuous improvement on their part, as well as constant dialogue with them, in order to understand their needs and respond to them as effectively as possible. The CSR themes identified include punctuality and continuity of service, passenger comfort and passenger information.

CFL wants to offer a high-quality service to its customers, who are at the heart of its strategy and concerns. This ambition requires a commitment to continuous improvement on their part, as well as constant dialogue with them, in order to understand their needs and respond to them as effectively as possible. The CSR themes identified include punctuality and continuity of service, passenger comfort and passenger information.