Travelling in groups has never been easier!
Group trips flexible, without prior formalities.
Since May 2 group travel requests on trains are no longer required.To make the most of your group outing, follow our tips for comfortable travel on board the trains:
- Plan your journey easily on our website and stay informed about ongoing works that could impact your trip (CFL works).
- Allow appropriate time for your respective connections at stations and transfer stops.
- Avoid peak hours, therefore before 9 am and after 4 pm.
- Stay informed in real-time with our CFL Mobile app to follow your journeys and connections.
For those who plan to cross borders, tempting international offers await you. For any question or advice, do not hesitate to make your request online or contact our Call Center at 2489 2489.
Travelling by bus:
RGTR (Mobilitéitszentral) | | +352 2465 2465 |
AVL (Ville de Luxembourg) | | +352 4796 2975 |
TICE (Esch-sur-Alzette) | | +352 574232 1 |